More of This and That . . .

Today felt like a day off for me . . . well at least the first half of it did.  We had a relaxing morning.  I tried a new muffin recipe for breakfast—Low-fat and low-sugar—Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins.  They were pretty tasty.  Ordinarily I try not to do much baking during the sweltering Alabama heat, but it cooled off a bit and the air is so much drier and less humid.


   Following breakfast, a friend and neighbor Dale Casteel stopped by.  He is the man I edited a book for.  He had a couple of short stories and a poem that he wanted me to type for him.  He compensates me quite well for it and I do love to type and edit things.  (I know . . . I really should edit these blog entries but if I went back and read them and started making changes, the perfectionist dwelling within would never get anything posted—this way it just comes from my heart).


   After Dale left, I leisurely read yesterday’s newspaper.  Before I knew it, it was time for lunch and that is when my leisurely day came to a halt.  After lunch, I started to put a casserole dish away and noticed that the shelf in the cabinet where I stored it was sagging.  Upon further investigation, it wasn’t merely sagging but it was literally resting upon the pans and bowls underneath it!  So I had to take out all of the items in the cabinet and try to repair the shelf.  Bob ended up helping me (with my tender, fragile knees that was such a blessing) and then I spent a while organizing several other things in the kitchen.


   A short time later, Bob came in from a garage sale with some things and that got me started on another dreaded project.  I cleaned out the cabinet in the storage room that houses all the small items in our year’s supply; like baking chocolate, spices, herbs, sauces, pudding and Jell-O mixes, etc.  I tried to store like things together and that job lasted for much longer than I would have liked.  Then I went outside to water down the flower bed.  Since we haven’t had any rain in over a month or more, the ground is as hard as a rock and the weeds are impossible to pull out.  Once I had it really saturated, I came in and prepared our dinner.


   After watching part of the evening news, I donned my work gloves and found my cherished dandelion digger and went out to weed that flower bed.  Remember that I haven’t done any weeding this entire year . . . I have been unable to do so following my double mastectomy.  And God bless him, my dear husband has never pulled a weed in his life.  He will weed whack them, mow them or spray them but he just won’t pull a weed.  He has lots of other redeeming qualities however, so I guess I will keep him anyway.


   The flowerbed is finally weeded but I somehow managed to disturb some fire ants in the process and they viciously attacked my feet and ankles.  Once I rested up a bit, I showered and slathered on anti-itch lotion.  All in all, I think I did okay today.  I accomplished two dreaded tasks that I hadn’t even written down on my list—that makes it okay to write them down and then cross them off.  😉


   The bad thing is, and I knew it would happen, is that my chest and underarm muscles are very tender and sore after all that weeding.  For the past week or two, I have been having nerve pain in that area.  It feels just like an insect sting or like someone is poking me with sharp needles.  At best, I think tonight before going to bed I will take a prescription pain pill just so I will be assured getting a few hours of restful sleep . . .

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